Anahita Razmi
living in Berlin, Germany | London, UK
Anahita Razmi is a visual artist who studied Media Arts and Sculpture at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Pratt Institute New York, and Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart. Her practice and research are situated between installation, moving image, photography, and performance. Often referencing her German-Iranian background, Razmi’s works explore contextual, geographical, and ideological shifts – producing testing grounds for possibilities of import/export, hybrid identities, and deconstructions of cultural representation.

Ignorance is Strength?
Presentation of the artistic outcome of virtual residencies by artists selected for the project "Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age".
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Anahita Razmi
GENERICS links to the project "Darookhaneh Apotheke Pharmacy", an Iranian pharmacy in Berlin, Germany. Run by Anahita Razmi and Sohrab Kashani in spring 2022, its display consisted of a large selection of boxes of Iranian generic drugs.
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Alliance Member
Akademie der Künste (ADK)
Berlin, Germany
The Akademie der Künste is an artist association, an exhibition and event location, a meeting place for artists and people interested in the arts, where public debates on art and cultural policy take place.
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