Dimitrina Popova
Sofia, Bulgaria
Dimitrina Popova explores through design and research real and virtual modalities of architectural spaces. More specifically her recent work is in the field of representation through digital technologies of lost architectural heritage from antiquity to more recent times. Into the independent spaces of virtual reality her 3D collages of old architectural spaces and synchronous written words on architecture, hand-made architectural drawings, sketches or photographs generate new narratives on the old buildings. She defended her PhD in 2014 and holds Master degree in architecture.

I Saw Our Leaders
Before that background, the European Alliance of Academies decided to support Szépírók Társasága and offered a new project of artistic collaboration, based on a collection of nine poems by a young generation of Hungarian poets, all members of the Szépírók Társasága.
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Concrete Home
Dimitrina Popova
In my artwork I suggest an architectural reading of the poem Cement Factory, Autumn by Mónika Ferencz.
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Ignorance is Strength?
Presentation of the artistic outcome of virtual residencies by artists selected for the project "Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age".
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The Five Houses
Dimitrina Popova
In my project I reconstruct digitally houses from 19th century which once existed in different towns in Bulgaria. Before their demolition they were measured and represented into architectural drawings by professional architects in the 1950’s and in the early 1960’s.
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Alliance Member
Institute of Art Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
The mission of the Institute of Art Studies is to study the problems of the arts, architecture and culture in a regional, European and global context; to study and make sense of cultural heritage and national identity.
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