Lucija Bogunović
born in Split | lives in Zagreb, Croatia
Lucija Bogunović (1998) has been studying New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb since 2019. As an artist she collaborated with Mostar Street Art Festival, Gallery Karas and Gallery Događanja. In 2022 she was selected by Organ Vida to participate on a residency organized by photography platform Futures as one of most promising young artists
from Croatia. In her artistic practice she explores the conceptual relation between photographic medium and time in depicting fragments of life and repetitive events.

I Saw Our Leaders
Before that background, the European Alliance of Academies decided to support Szépírók Társasága and offered a new project of artistic collaboration, based on a collection of nine poems by a young generation of Hungarian poets, all members of the Szépírók Társasága.
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the window on the northern side looked out onto a block of purple buildings
Lucija Bogunović
he feeling of nostalgia has historically been used to describe an intense longing for home, but over time it has acquired a more positive connotation and today it refers to a feeling of sentimental desire for the past.
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Alliance Member
Academy of Fine Arts (ALU)
Zagreb, Croatia
Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb was founded in June, 1907 as the Royal College of Arts and Crafts, with a structural statute and a scientific basis. Lectures were first held at the Painting Department, Sculpting Department, and Pedagogical Drawing Department (for future teachers).
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