Sayaka Fujio
Dead Weight
A dying body lays on a bed. Does it sink into the mattress? Leaving the mark of a weight that can no longer hold itself. Or does it feel light? As floating particles that detach from a disintegrating system. Pondering upon this it feels as if we are observed silently by our inorganic surroundings. The glance of a concrete wall, of a souvenir on the nightstand; objects and structures that will endure past our lifetimes.
Dead weight is a drone electroacoustic piece, that explores the contrast between weight and lightness / structure and diffuseness through sound, imagining one of the paths a body can experiment in the process of death.
The project references to the poem Cement factory, autumn by Mónika Ferencz.

Listening recommendation*
The piece was composed as a sound inner journey. It is recommended to be experienced laying down in a comfortable and silent place, preferably with headphones and low or no light. It has a duration of 24 minutes, starting with a lower volume which will rise and vary.
To avoid uncomfortable volume levels, use the volume check option by playing the first audio file. This will allow you to hear the loudest sound of the piece and adjust accordingly to your preference, avoiding further adjustments once the piece has begun.
Bon voyage.