Paul Michels
memories of home after leaving
This hand-knitted sculpture refers to the poem Utter it in my stead by Dénes Krusovszky.
Inspired by this, a knotted and knitted structure was created, which can be reminiscent of the rope factories mentioned in the poem. The homeland in the poem is portrayed as something very fragile, vague and torn, feelings that are wonderfully to be translated into textile art works. It was made slowly and close to the body, only wool and hands.
The installation is uncertain, tense, distorted and destroyed, but at the same time connected, holding and hopeful. There are several levels and overlays; the complexity of the emotions felt and the play with attachment and detachment are in focus.
The dimensions of this sculpture are 4.50m by 3.70m.

hand knitted by my own hands.
close to my body, my hands knitting and knotting.
fragile structure, connected by threads.
connected by ideas and wishes for something different.

attachment, detachment.
to the land that connects and deconnects.
the one that is destroyed and destroys and connects and collects.

the one that does not give but makes us hope.
torn. tense. distortion. home.

it’s about searching for one’s own place.
that’s not true, stop, incision, not to search,
but to drift there, to flow and to find.

it’s about the desire to arrive,
in places where one is not at home.
it’s about loss, displacement and being driven away,
rather obviously or even just subtly.