Sayaka Fujio
from Santiago, Chile | lives in Madrid, Spain
Sayaka Fujio is a half Japanese, half Chilean former Biologist and Programmer. The desire to explore reality from different perspectives turned her focus to the field of Arts. She moves freely between artistic disciplines, always motivated by the inquiry of what is behind the apparent and accepted. Her main interest is the enacted body, the possibilities of perception it beholds and the emergent properties that arise from inner and outer interactions. Living in Spain, she currently studies a MA in Arts and Artistic professions at Sur Escuela, UC3M, at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid.

I Saw Our Leaders
Before that background, the European Alliance of Academies decided to support Szépírók Társasága and offered a new project of artistic collaboration, based on a collection of nine poems by a young generation of Hungarian poets, all members of the Szépírók Társasága.
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Dead Weight
Sayaka Fujio
A dying body lays on a bed. Does it sink into the mattress? Leaving the mark of a weight that can no longer hold itself. Or does it feel light?
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Alliance Member
Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (CBA)
Madrid, Spain
The Círculo de Bellas Artes (CBA) is one of the most important private cultural centres in Europe. A multidisciplinary centre with activities ranging from the visual arts to literature, science, philosophy, cinema and the performing arts.
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