Atlas of Change
In 2023, a climate group was constituted inside of the European Alliance of Academies and has been working since then about this urgent issue. Writer Cécile Wajsbrot, composer Iris ter Schiphorst, visual artists Liesbeth Bik and Jovana Popic as well as performer Petja Ivanova and supporter Leon Erhorn were driven by the question:
How can the Alliance as a whole, and each art academy or cultural institution in their respective country, come up with new formats to understand, communicate and improve the mitigation of and adaptation to changes required by the climate emergency?
The group decided working on an Atlas of Change, collecting records of the changes wherever it is happening, gathering narrative data on adaptation strategies, creating a European map where as many places as possible will be documented. The result is a subjective documentation for climatic changes already happening, as well as for effective solutions. A subjective and artistic evolutive map of Europe with texts, photos, videos, each time linked with a specific place, to awake more and more awareness about the climate issue.
All contributions welcome!
- A. L. KennedyArtist Page →︎
- Aleš ŠtegerArtist Page →︎
- Aris FioretosArtist Page →︎
- Cécile WajsbrotArtist Page →︎
- Dagmara KrausArtist Page →︎
- Esther KinskyArtist Page →︎
- Heike SchmitzArtist Page →︎
- Jovana PopićArtist Page →︎
- Kathrin RögglaArtist Page →︎
- Kerstin HenselArtist Page →︎
- Liza LimArtist Page →︎
- Moritz EggertArtist Page →︎
- Peter Michael HamelArtist Page →︎
- Thomas LehrArtist Page →︎
- Ulrike DraesnerArtist Page →︎
- Ursula KrechelArtist Page →︎

No Rain Today
Cécile Wajsbrot
Project Page →︎
Nonett: Atlas of Climate
Peter Michael Hamel
Project Page →︎
exit erdbeer-klee
Ulrike Draesner
Project Page →︎
A. L. Kennedy
Project Page →︎
For Every Human
Jovana Popić
Project Page →︎
Gesucht: Ein Schattendach für jede Traube
Ursula Krechel
Project Page →︎
“Was alle angeht, können nur alle lösen.”
Thomas Lehr
Project Page →︎
Rivers Running Dry
Esther Kinsky
Project Page →︎
mère nature désirriguée
Dagmara Kraus
Project Page →︎
Don’t panic and think green
Moritz Eggert
Project Page →︎
NORDØYVEGEN | Rasenroboter
Heike Schmitz
Project Page →︎
Plastika. Pismo tebi, ki to bereš
Aleš Šteger
Project Page →︎
On the Banks of the Alpheios
Aris Fioretos
Project Page →︎
Kerstin Hensel
Project Page →︎
Graue Wälder
(bei Bergneustadt)
Kathrin Röggla
Project Page →︎